Type-R “MAGNUM” – Solid Brass 3mm

Powerful presense and rich tone
When playing a metal shell snare drum, in a live or studio situation, sometimes a more powerful presence and maximum intensity of sound is desired. We observed that a thicker metal shell did not automatically meet these demands – they often did not give back a sonic result to match the energy and passion with which the drummer was playing. Canopus BTR-1465 has an extremely wide range – with unlimited power and intensity. Most importantly, it has full, rich tone.
It delivers everything that the player wants from it in terms of power, tone and volume. The 3mm seamless brass shell allows it to provide unprecedented sound at extreme volume. As well, Canopus has developed a unique, original edge shape for BTR which provides extreme responsiveness and a range of expression guaranteed to satisfy all players.

To produce the fullest possible backbeat sound Back Beat 30-strand snare wires come as standard

Solid Brass 3mm

ASPR black coated snare drum head is only available for Type-R drums. It combines perfectly with 10 lugs to provide a tight and loud sound.

Black Nickel Plated Parts